* S C I D R I V E R M O D U L E *
* *
isrrtn equ $360 ; Address of Common Interrupt Exit routine
SCIINTLV equ 5 ; SCI Interrupt Level
SCIINTV equ $3A ; SCI Interrupt Vector
QMCR equ $FC00
QILR equ $FC04 ; QSM Interrupt Levels Register
QIVR equ $FC05 ; QSM Interrupt Vector Register
SCCR0 equ $FC08 ; SCI Control Register 0
SCCR1 equ $FC0A ; SCI Control Register 1
SCSR equ $FC0C ; SCI Status Register
SCDR equ $FC0E ; SCI Data Register
SRK equ $01 ; Send Break
RWU equ $02 ; Receiver Wakeup
RE equ $04 ; Receiver Enable
TE equ $08 ; Transmitter Enable
RIE equ $20 ; Receiver Interrupt Enable
TIE equ $80 ; Transmitter Interrupt Enable
RDRF equ $40 ; Receive Data Register Full
TDRE equ $01 ; Transmit Data Register Empty (high byte of $0100)
INTS_OFF equ $00E0 ; Disable interrupts
SCIINTON equ (SCIINTLV<<5+$FF1F) ; Enable interrupts at SCIINTLV (2)
BR9600 equ $37 ; SCCR0(0-12) setting for 9600 Baud
* *
* S C I I N P U T D R I V E R *
* *
sciidrv: orp #INTS_OFF ; Turn off interrupts while enabling SCI
ldab #$F
tbek ; EK = F (K=$Fxxx)
ldd #$008A
std QMCR ; Set IARB=10 for intermodule bus arbitration
ldd QILR ; Get content of QSM Interrupt Levels Register
anda #$E8 ; Clear out ILSCI field
oraa #SCIINTLV ; Set SCI interrupt level in ILSCI field
ldab #SCIINTV ; Load SCI Interrupt Vector #
std QILR ; Update QILR
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; Receiver enabled with interrupts active,
; Transmitter enabled without interrupts,
; 1 Start Bit, 1 Stop Bit, 8 Data Bits
std SCCR1 ; Set up SCI operating conditions
ldd #BR9600 ; Set up 9600 baud rate
std SCCR0
rdclr: ldd SCSR ; Get current status of SCI
bitb #RDRF ; See if receive data ready
beq scirdy ; if not SCI is a
ldab SCDR ; Read input data
bra rdclr ; Loop until clear
scirdy: andp #$FF1F ; Turn interrupts on again
inloop: ldab #1 ; bank 1
tbek ; EK = 1
tbxk ; XK = 1 (K=$11xx)
ldaa #MCX_WAIT ; Wait for input character
ldaa inchar ; Get input character captured by isr
ldx #EQ3src ; Move it to safe place
staa 0,x
ldab #SCIIQ ; Then move the character into SCIIQ
bra inloop ; Loop forever
* *
* S C I O U T P U T D R I V E R *
* *
sciodrv: ldab #$F
tbek ; EK=F (K=$Fxxx)
ldab #1
tbxk ; XK=1 (K=$F1xx)
scioloop: ldx #DQ4dest
ldab #SCIOQ ; Get next character from SCIOQ and put it into
ldaa #MCX_DEQUEUE_W ; DQ4dest as temporary location
ldab 0,x ; Get the character
cmpb #$0A ; New Line?
bne notnl ; Branch if not "\n"
ldd SCSR ; Get SCI status
ldaa #$0D
staa SCDR+1 ; Output a "\r"
std SCCR1 ; Enable transmitter interrupts
; ldab #RIE+RE+TE+TIE
; stab SCCR1+1 ; Enable transmitter interrupts
ldab #SCIOSEMA ; Wait for it to be output completely
ldaa #MCX_WAIT
notnl: ldd SCSR ; Read status
ldaa 0,x ; Get character to output
staa SCDR+1 ; Output it
std SCCR1 ; Enable transmitter interrupts
; ldab #RIE+RE+TE+TIE
; stab SCCR1+1 ; Enable transmitter interrupts
ldab #SCIOSEMA ; Wait for it to be output completely
ldaa #MCX_WAIT
bra scioloop ; Loop forever
* *
* S C I I N T E R R U P T S E R V I C E R O U T I N E *
* *
pshsema macro
ldab #\1
lde $06,x
stab e,z
incw $06,x
sciisr: orp #INTS_OFF ; Save the interrupt context
pshm d,e,x,y,z,k
ldab #1
tbek ; EK=1 (K=$1xxx)
tbyk ; YK=1 (K=$1x1x)
tbzk ; ZK=1 (K=$1x11)
tbxk ; XK=0 (K=$1011)
ldx $0000 ; x = [$10000]
tst $000A
bne notlvl0
ldy $0004 ; y = [$10004]
sts 8,y ; [y+8] = SP
lds $14,x ; SP = [X+20]
notlvl0: inc $000A ; [$1000A] = [$1000A]+1
andp #SCIINTON ; Interrupts back on
ldz $12,x
ldab #$F ; EK = F (K=$Fx11)
ldab #1
tbxk ; XK = 1 (K=$F111)
ldx #$0000 ;
ldy #inchar ; y = &inchar
ldd SCCR1 ; If TDRE is set, see if SCCR1 has TIE set
bitb #TIE
beq notout ; If not, this is not an output interrupt
ldd SCSR ; Check SCI status register for TDRE
bita #TDRE
beq chkrd ; TDRE not set
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; If so, this is a transmitter interrupt, turn
; TIE off now that the character is out
std SCCR1 ; Update SCCR1. That takes care of the output side
ldd SCSR ; Now treat a possible input interrupt that is
; simultaneous with the output. Reread the status
bitb #RDRF ; Check for RDRF set
beq noin ; Branch if no input occurred
ldd SCDR ; Yes it did. Read the input character
andb #$7F ; Strip it to 7 bits
stab 0,y ; Store in temporary location (inchar)
pshsema SCIISEMA ; Put SCIISEMA into Signal List
noin: ldaa #SCIOSEMA ; Now signal the SCI output semaphore
jmp isrrtn
notout: ldd SCSR ; Read status again
chkrd: bitb #RDRF ; See if this is an input interrupt. Check RDRF
beq notin ; It is not an input interrupt. So what was it?
ldd SCDR ; If it was an input interrupt, get the character
andb #$7F ; Strip it to 7 bits
stab 0,y ; Store in temporary location (inchar)
; That takes care of the input. Now see if there
; was a simultaneous output interrupt
ldd SCSR ; Check SCI status register for TDRE
bita #TDRE
beq noout ; TDRE not set
ldd SCCR1 ; If TDRE is set, see if SCCR1 has TIE set
bitb #TIE
beq noout ; If not, this cannot be an output interrupt
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; If so, this is a transmitter interrupt, turn
; TIE off now that the character is out
std SCCR1 ; Update SCCR1
pshsema SCIOSEMA ; Signal SCI Output Semaphore
noout: ldaa #SCIISEMA ; Now signal the input semaphore
jmp isrrtn
notin: clra ; This wasn't a recognizable SCI interrupt
jmp isrrtn
dc.w sciisr
ORG $003FD
inchar: ds 1
DQ4dest: ds 1
EQ3src: ds 1
* *
* S C I D R I V E R M O D U L E *
Thursday, December 17, 2009
;� �
;� �
;� Copyright (c) 1995 by M. Lutfi �
;� �
.external _main, __memory,__pdata
.external ._main, .__pdata
.external .__text__, .__data__, .__bss__
.public _exit, __stext
.include "hc16regs.mac"
.include "mcx16.mac"
.include "lgrset.mac"
.psect _text
;*********** MCU INIT ******************
; These procedures handled by MCX-16
; Rewritten for clarity only
; ldab #0Fh
; tbek ; point EK to bank F for register access
; ldab #00H
; tbxk ; point XK to bank 0
; tbyk ; point YK to bank 0
; tbzk ; point ZK to bank 0
; ldaa #007Fh ; w=0, x=1, y=111111
; staa SYNCR ; set system clock to 16.78 mhz
; clr SYPCR ; turn cop (software watchdog) off,
; ; since cop is on after reset
; ldab #7FH
; stab SYNCR
; clr SYPCR
;****** init SRAM ******
; ldab #1
; std RAMBAH
; clrd
; std RAMBAL
; clr RAMMCR ;SRAM addr start from 0x10000 to 0x103FF
;****** init external RAM *******
ldd #00003 ; at reset, the csboot block size is 512k.
std CSBARBT ; this line sets the block size to 64k since
; that is what physically comes with the evb16
ldd #00303h
std CSBAR0 ;set U1 ram base addr to 0x30000: bank 3, 64k
std CSBAR1 ;set U3 ram base addr to 0x30000: bank 3, 64k
ldd #05030h ;no wait states
std CSOR0 ;set chip select 0, upper byte, write only
ldd #03030h
std CSOR1 ;set chip select 1, lower byte, write only
ldd #00303h
std CSBAR2 ;set chip select 2 to fire at base addr 0x30000
ldd #07830h
std CSOR2 ;set chip select 2, both bytes, read and write
ldd #03FFFh
std CSPAR0 ;set chip selects 0,1,2 to 16-bit ports
;� Summary: �
;� The ADC module is mapped into 32 words of address space. Five words are �
;� control/status registers, one word is digital port data, and 24 words �
;� provide access to the results of ADC conversion (eight addresses for each �
;� type of converted data). Two words are reserved for expansion. �
;� The ADC module base address is determined by the value of the MODMAP bit �
;� int the system integration module configuration register (SIMMCR). �
;� The base address is normaly $FFF700 in the MC68HC16Z1. �
;� Internally, the ADC has both a differential data bus and a buffered �
;� IMB data bus. Registers not directly associated with AD conversion �
;� functions, such as the MCR, the MTR, and the PDR, reside on the bufferd �
;� bus, while conversion registers and result registers reside on the �
;� differential bus. �
;� �
;� Registers that must be set prior operation: �
;� ADMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (normal operation) �
;� FRZ = 0 �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisory mode) �
;� ADCTL0: �
;� PRS = 1 (ADC clock = system clock/4 = 16.667 MHz/4) �
;� STS = 0 (4 A/D clock periods in the sample time) �
;� RES10 = 1 (10-bit conversion) �
;� ADCTL1: �
;� SCAN = 1 (continuous conversion) �
;� MULT = 1 (sequential conversion of four or eight channels �
;� selected by [CD:CA]) �
;� S8CM = 1 (eight-conversion sequence) �
;� CD = 0 (measured data at each channel stored into his register) �
;� �
ldd #0000h
std ADCMCR ;turn on ADC
ldd #0001h
std ADCTL0 ;10-bit, set sample period
;� �
;� �
;� 1. Sets up the SCI and starts an infinite loop of receive transmit �
;� 2. QSM configuration summary: �
;� * After reset, the QSM remains in an idle state, requiring initialization �
;� of several registers before any serial operations may begin execution. �
;� * The type of serial frame (8 or 9 bit) and the use of partiy must be �
;� determined by M. PE and PT. �
;� * For receive operation, WAKE, RWU, ILT, ILIE must be considered. �
;� The receiver must be enabled (RE) and, usually, RIE should be set. �
;� * For transmit operation, the transmitter must be enabled (TE) and, �
;� usually, TIE should be set. The use of wired-OR mode (WOMS) must also �
;� be decided. Once the transmitter is configured, data is not sent �
;� until TDRE and TC are cleared. To clear TDRE and TC, the SCSR read �
;� must be followed by a write to SCDR (either the lower byte or the �
;� entire word). �
;� * QIVR should be programmed to one of the user-defined vectors ($40-$FF) �
;� during initialization of the QSM. �
;� After reset, QIVR determines which two vectors in the exception vector �
;� table are to be used for QSM interrupts. The QSPI and SCI submodules �
;� have separate interrupt vectors adjacent to each other. �
;� Both submodules use the same interrupt vector which LSB: �
;� 1: interrupt generated by QSPI �
;� 0: interrupt generated by QSCI �
;�> Detail Configurations in QSM: �
;� * QMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (Normal QSM clock operation) �
;� FRZ1 = 0 (Ignore the FREEZE signal on the IMB) �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisor access) �
;� IARB = $A (priority = 10; $F = highest priority, used by timer) �
;� * QILR: �
;� ILQSPI = 1 (lowest priority) �
;� ILSCI = 7 (highest priority) �
;� QIVR = set to SCI interrupt handler's address �
;� �
orp #INTS_OFF ; Turn off interrupts while enabling SCI
ldab #0Fh
tbek ; EK = F (K=$Fxxx)
ldd #008Ah
std QMCR ; Set IARB=10 for intermodule bus arbitration
ldd QILR ; Get content of QSM Interrupt Levels Register
anda #0E8h ; Clear out ILSCI field
oraa #SCIINTLV ; Set SCI interrupt level in ILSCI field
ldab #SCIINTV ; Load SCI Interrupt Vector #
std QILR ; Update QILR
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; Receiver enabled with interrupts active,
; Transmitter enabled without interrupts,
; 1 Start Bit, 1 Stop Bit, 8 Data Bits
std SCCR1 ; Set up SCI operating conditions
ldd #BR9600 ; Set up 9600 baud rate
std SCCR0
;� �
;� I M P O R T A N T S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N N O T E: �
;� �
;� MCX-16 Requires locations $10000 through $1002F for internal operations. �
;� Begin the allocation of MCX-16 System Tables at an address equal to or �
;� greater than $10030. �
ldk #.__pdata ; select memory bank of _data
ldk #.__data__
ldx #__pdata ; start of data descriptor
ldy 0,x ; start of data images
aix #2 ; next word
ldab 0,x ; flag
beq zbss ; nul, next step
bpl idad ; if segment
aix #2 ; move to it
ldab 0,x ; load it
tbzk ; in data pointer extension
ldz 1,x ; data address
ldd 0,y ; transfert by word
std 0,z ; size must be even
aiy #2 ; next word
aiz #2
cpy 3,x ; end of block ?
blo ircl ; no, loop
aix #5 ; descriptor size
bra ibcl ; next block
ldk #.__bss__
ldx #sbss ; start of bss
clrd ; to be zeroed
bra mtest ; start loop
std 0,x ; clear memory
aix #2 ; next word
cpx #__memory ; end of memory ?
blo bcl ; no, continue
; aix #4000H ; you can set-up a 4K stack
; txs ; above the BSS
lds #3FEh ; or directly initialize ptr
jsr _main,#._main
; call main routine of application
bra _exit ; loop here if return
;� �
;� �
;� Copyright (c) 1995 by M. Lutfi �
;� �
.external _main, __memory,__pdata
.external ._main, .__pdata
.external .__text__, .__data__, .__bss__
.public _exit, __stext
.include "hc16regs.mac"
.include "mcx16.mac"
.include "lgrset.mac"
.psect _text
;*********** MCU INIT ******************
; These procedures handled by MCX-16
; Rewritten for clarity only
; ldab #0Fh
; tbek ; point EK to bank F for register access
; ldab #00H
; tbxk ; point XK to bank 0
; tbyk ; point YK to bank 0
; tbzk ; point ZK to bank 0
; ldaa #007Fh ; w=0, x=1, y=111111
; staa SYNCR ; set system clock to 16.78 mhz
; clr SYPCR ; turn cop (software watchdog) off,
; ; since cop is on after reset
; ldab #7FH
; stab SYNCR
; clr SYPCR
;****** init SRAM ******
; ldab #1
; std RAMBAH
; clrd
; std RAMBAL
; clr RAMMCR ;SRAM addr start from 0x10000 to 0x103FF
;****** init external RAM *******
ldd #00003 ; at reset, the csboot block size is 512k.
std CSBARBT ; this line sets the block size to 64k since
; that is what physically comes with the evb16
ldd #00303h
std CSBAR0 ;set U1 ram base addr to 0x30000: bank 3, 64k
std CSBAR1 ;set U3 ram base addr to 0x30000: bank 3, 64k
ldd #05030h ;no wait states
std CSOR0 ;set chip select 0, upper byte, write only
ldd #03030h
std CSOR1 ;set chip select 1, lower byte, write only
ldd #00303h
std CSBAR2 ;set chip select 2 to fire at base addr 0x30000
ldd #07830h
std CSOR2 ;set chip select 2, both bytes, read and write
ldd #03FFFh
std CSPAR0 ;set chip selects 0,1,2 to 16-bit ports
;� Summary: �
;� The ADC module is mapped into 32 words of address space. Five words are �
;� control/status registers, one word is digital port data, and 24 words �
;� provide access to the results of ADC conversion (eight addresses for each �
;� type of converted data). Two words are reserved for expansion. �
;� The ADC module base address is determined by the value of the MODMAP bit �
;� int the system integration module configuration register (SIMMCR). �
;� The base address is normaly $FFF700 in the MC68HC16Z1. �
;� Internally, the ADC has both a differential data bus and a buffered �
;� IMB data bus. Registers not directly associated with AD conversion �
;� functions, such as the MCR, the MTR, and the PDR, reside on the bufferd �
;� bus, while conversion registers and result registers reside on the �
;� differential bus. �
;� �
;� Registers that must be set prior operation: �
;� ADMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (normal operation) �
;� FRZ = 0 �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisory mode) �
;� ADCTL0: �
;� PRS = 1 (ADC clock = system clock/4 = 16.667 MHz/4) �
;� STS = 0 (4 A/D clock periods in the sample time) �
;� RES10 = 1 (10-bit conversion) �
;� ADCTL1: �
;� SCAN = 1 (continuous conversion) �
;� MULT = 1 (sequential conversion of four or eight channels �
;� selected by [CD:CA]) �
;� S8CM = 1 (eight-conversion sequence) �
;� CD = 0 (measured data at each channel stored into his register) �
;� �
ldd #0000h
std ADCMCR ;turn on ADC
ldd #0001h
std ADCTL0 ;10-bit, set sample period
;� �
;� �
;� 1. Sets up the SCI and starts an infinite loop of receive transmit �
;� 2. QSM configuration summary: �
;� * After reset, the QSM remains in an idle state, requiring initialization �
;� of several registers before any serial operations may begin execution. �
;� * The type of serial frame (8 or 9 bit) and the use of partiy must be �
;� determined by M. PE and PT. �
;� * For receive operation, WAKE, RWU, ILT, ILIE must be considered. �
;� The receiver must be enabled (RE) and, usually, RIE should be set. �
;� * For transmit operation, the transmitter must be enabled (TE) and, �
;� usually, TIE should be set. The use of wired-OR mode (WOMS) must also �
;� be decided. Once the transmitter is configured, data is not sent �
;� until TDRE and TC are cleared. To clear TDRE and TC, the SCSR read �
;� must be followed by a write to SCDR (either the lower byte or the �
;� entire word). �
;� * QIVR should be programmed to one of the user-defined vectors ($40-$FF) �
;� during initialization of the QSM. �
;� After reset, QIVR determines which two vectors in the exception vector �
;� table are to be used for QSM interrupts. The QSPI and SCI submodules �
;� have separate interrupt vectors adjacent to each other. �
;� Both submodules use the same interrupt vector which LSB: �
;� 1: interrupt generated by QSPI �
;� 0: interrupt generated by QSCI �
;�> Detail Configurations in QSM: �
;� * QMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (Normal QSM clock operation) �
;� FRZ1 = 0 (Ignore the FREEZE signal on the IMB) �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisor access) �
;� IARB = $A (priority = 10; $F = highest priority, used by timer) �
;� * QILR: �
;� ILQSPI = 1 (lowest priority) �
;� ILSCI = 7 (highest priority) �
;� QIVR = set to SCI interrupt handler's address �
;� �
orp #INTS_OFF ; Turn off interrupts while enabling SCI
ldab #0Fh
tbek ; EK = F (K=$Fxxx)
ldd #008Ah
std QMCR ; Set IARB=10 for intermodule bus arbitration
ldd QILR ; Get content of QSM Interrupt Levels Register
anda #0E8h ; Clear out ILSCI field
oraa #SCIINTLV ; Set SCI interrupt level in ILSCI field
ldab #SCIINTV ; Load SCI Interrupt Vector #
std QILR ; Update QILR
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; Receiver enabled with interrupts active,
; Transmitter enabled without interrupts,
; 1 Start Bit, 1 Stop Bit, 8 Data Bits
std SCCR1 ; Set up SCI operating conditions
ldd #BR9600 ; Set up 9600 baud rate
std SCCR0
;� �
;� I M P O R T A N T S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N N O T E: �
;� �
;� MCX-16 Requires locations $10000 through $1002F for internal operations. �
;� Begin the allocation of MCX-16 System Tables at an address equal to or �
;� greater than $10030. �
ldk #.__pdata ; select memory bank of _data
ldk #.__data__
ldx #__pdata ; start of data descriptor
ldy 0,x ; start of data images
aix #2 ; next word
ldab 0,x ; flag
beq zbss ; nul, next step
bpl idad ; if segment
aix #2 ; move to it
ldab 0,x ; load it
tbzk ; in data pointer extension
ldz 1,x ; data address
ldd 0,y ; transfert by word
std 0,z ; size must be even
aiy #2 ; next word
aiz #2
cpy 3,x ; end of block ?
blo ircl ; no, loop
aix #5 ; descriptor size
bra ibcl ; next block
ldk #.__bss__
ldx #sbss ; start of bss
clrd ; to be zeroed
bra mtest ; start loop
std 0,x ; clear memory
aix #2 ; next word
cpx #__memory ; end of memory ?
blo bcl ; no, continue
; aix #4000H ; you can set-up a 4K stack
; txs ; above the BSS
lds #3FEh ; or directly initialize ptr
jsr _main,#._main
; call main routine of application
bra _exit ; loop here if return
; ==================================================
; Copyright (c) 1995
; Designed and programmed by Muhammad Lutfi
; for Final Project (TA)
; Thesis Advisors:
; Dr. Ir. Farida Idealistina Muchtadi
; and Ir. Sutanto Hadisupadmo, M.T.
; Instrumentation and Controls Lab.
; Engineering Physics Dept.
; Institut Teknologi Bandung
; Jl. Ganesha 10
; Bandung 40132
; Phone: (022) 2504424 ext 759
; FACS: (022)2504424
; Platform : Microcontroller 68HC16Z1 on Evaluation Board (EVB)
; Summary:
; > Other initialization, except for QSM and ADC module, not necessarily
; done
; > Take care with heap an pre-initialized RAM initialization
.include "lgrset.mac"
.external _main, __memory,__pdata
.external ._main, .__pdata
.external .__text__, .__data__, .__bss__
.public _exit, __stext
.psect _bss ; stack section
.psect _text ; program section
;*********** MCU INIT ******************
; These procedures handled by MCX-16
; Rewritten for clarity only
; Still used in HARRAT version.
; ROM Start address: 0x00000 (program starts from 0x400 instead)
; +--------------+--------------------------------+
; ! ! 2222 1111 1111 11 !
; ! ADDR PINS ! 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210 !
; +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+
; ! ADDR[23..0] ! 0000 0000 0000 01?? ???? ????B != 0x00400 !
; ! ADDR[23..11] ! 0000 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx xxxxB != 0x00000 !
; +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+
; BLKSZ = 64 KB => address lines compared: ADDR[23..16]
; Frequency:
; FQ_SYSTEM = FQ_REF*(4^(y+1)*(2^((2*W) + x)))
.DEFINE ADDR = 0000h
.DEFINE FQ_REF = 16780000 ; MHz
.DEFINE SY = 0111111B
SEDIV = (0<<7),
SLIMP = (1<<4),
SLOCK = (1<<3),
RSTEN = (1<<2),
STSIM = (1<<1),
.SET SYNCR_CFG = ((SW<<7)|(SX<<6)|SY)
ldab #0Fh
tbek ; point EK to bank F for register access
ldab #00H
tbxk ; point XK to bank 0
tbyk ; point YK to bank 0
tbzk ; point ZK to bank 0
ldd #CSBARBT_CFG ; at reset, the csboot block size is 512k, so
std CSBARBT ; this line sets the block size to 64k since
; that is what physically comes with the EVB16
; Boot ROM starts from 0x400 to 0xFFFF
stab SYNCR ; set system clock to 16.78 mhz
brclr SYNCR+1,#SLOCK,NOT_L ;wait until synthesizer lock bit is set
; �����������������������������������������������������������Ŀ
; � SWE = 0� SWP = 0� SWT = 11 � HME = 1 � BME = 0 � BMT = 00 �
; �������������������������������������������������������������
; SWE=0 : Watchdog disabled
; SWP=0 : Software watchdog clock not prescaled
; SWT[1:0]=11 : software watchdog timing
; HME=1 : enable halt monitor function
; BME=0 : disable bus monitor function for an internal to external bus cycle
; BMT=00 : 64 system clocks for bus monitor timing
SWE = 0,
SWP = 0,
SWT = 011B,
.DEFINE SET_SYPCR = (BMT|(BME<<2)|(HME<<3)|(SWT<<4)|(SWP<<6)|(SWE<<7))
ldab #SET_SYPCR ;#38H
stab SYPCR ; turn cop (software watchdog) off,
; since cop is on after reset
andd #0E7FFh ; R/W* = 00B, means that
ord #(01B<<11) ; ROM is read only
;************* Stack Allocation *************
ldk #2
tbsk ; set SK to bank 2 for system stack
lds #3FEh ; put SP at top of 1k internal SRAM (0x203FE)
ldk #1
tbsk ; set SK to bank 1 for system stack
lds #3FEh ; directly initialize ptr to use 0x103FE (SRAM)
.ENDIF ; and below as system stack
;� Summary: �
;� The ADC module is mapped into 32 words of address space. Five words are �
;� control/status registers, one word is digital port data, and 24 words �
;� provide access to the results of ADC conversion (eight addresses for each �
;� type of converted data). Two words are reserved for expansion. �
;� The ADC module base address is determined by the value of the MODMAP bit �
;� int the system integration module configuration register (SIMMCR). �
;� The base address is normaly $FFF700 in the MC68HC16Z1. �
;� Internally, the ADC has both a differential data bus and a buffered �
;� IMB data bus. Registers not directly associated with AD conversion �
;� functions, such as the MCR, the MTR, and the PDR, reside on the bufferd �
;� bus, while conversion registers and result registers reside on the �
;� differential bus. �
;� �
;� Registers that must be set prior operation: �
;� ADMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (normal operation) �
;� FRZ = 0 �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisory mode) �
;� ADCTL0: �
;� PRS = 00011B (ADC clock = system clock/8 = 2.1 MHz (Max ADC freq) �
;� STS = 00 (4 A/D clock periods in the sample time) �
;� RES10 = 01 (10-bit conversion) �
;� ADCTL1: �
;� SCAN = 1 (continuous conversion) �
;� MULT = 1 (sequential conversion of four or eight channels �
;� selected by [CD:CA]) �
;� S8CM = 1 (eight-conversion sequence) �
;� CDCA = 0xxx (measured data at each channel stored into his register) �
;� �
MY_STS = 00B,
MY_RES10 = 1
MY_S8CM = 1,
MY_MULT = 1,
ldab #0Fh
tbek ; EK = F (K=$Fxxx)
ADCMCR_SET 0, 0, 0
;� �
;� �
;� 1. Sets up the SCI and starts an infinite loop of receive transmit �
;� 2. QSM configuration summary: �
;� * After reset, the QSM remains in an idle state, requiring initialization �
;� of several registers before any serial operations may begin execution. �
;� * The type of serial frame (8 or 9 bit) and the use of partiy must be �
;� determined by M. PE and PT. �
;� * For receive operation, WAKE, RWU, ILT, ILIE must be considered. �
;� The receiver must be enabled (RE) and, usually, RIE should be set. �
;� * For transmit operation, the transmitter must be enabled (TE) and, �
;� usually, TIE should be set. The use of wired-OR mode (WOMS) must also �
;� be decided. Once the transmitter is configured, data is not sent �
;� until TDRE and TC are cleared. To clear TDRE and TC, the SCSR read �
;� must be followed by a write to SCDR (either the lower byte or the �
;� entire word). �
;� * QIVR should be programmed to one of the user-defined vectors ($40-$FF) �
;� during initialization of the QSM. �
;� After reset, QIVR determines which two vectors in the exception vector �
;� table are to be used for QSM interrupts. The QSPI and SCI submodules �
;� have separate interrupt vectors adjacent to each other. �
;� Both submodules use the same interrupt vector which LSB: �
;� 1: interrupt generated by QSPI �
;� 0: interrupt generated by QSCI �
;�> Detail Configurations in QSM: �
;� * QMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (Normal QSM clock operation) �
;� FRZ1 = 1 (Halt the QSM on a transfer boundary) �
;� FRZ0 = 0 �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisor access) �
;� IARB = $A (priority = A; $F = highest priority, used by timer) �
;� * QILR: �
;� ILQSPI = 0 (disabled) �
;� ILSCI = 7 (highest priority) �
;� QIVR = set to SCI interrupt handler's address �
;� �
disable ; Turn off interrupts while enabling SCI
ldd #(0080h+QSMIARB)
std QMCR ; Set IARB=10 for intermodule bus arbitration
ldd #MY_QILR ; our QILR configuration
std QILR ;
ldd #BR9600 ; Set up 9600 baud rate
std SCCR0
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; Receiver enabled with interrupts active,
; Transmitter enabled without interrupts,
; 1 Start Bit, 1 Stop Bit, 8 Data Bits
std SCCR1 ; Set up SCI operating conditions
ldd SCSR ; Get current status of SCI
bitb #RDRF ; Read receive data ready (RDR) until RDR reset
beq scirdy ; ZF=1 (RDRF=0), so no RDR is empty
ldab SCDR ; Read input data (a mechanism to reset RDRF)
bra rdclr ; Loop until clear
enable ; Turn interrupts back on
;*************** BEGIN **************
ldk #.__bss__ ; load extended address of stack
ldx #sbss ; start of bss
clrd ; to be zeroed
bra mtest ; start loop
std 0,x ; clear memory
aix #2 ; next word
cpx #__memory ; end of memory ?
blo bcl ; no, continue
jsr _main ; call application
bgnd ; loop here if return
bra 1$
; ==================================================
; Copyright (c) 1995
; Designed and programmed by Muhammad Lutfi
; for Final Project (TA)
; Thesis Advisors:
; Dr. Ir. Farida Idealistina Muchtadi
; and Ir. Sutanto Hadisupadmo, M.T.
; Instrumentation and Controls Lab.
; Engineering Physics Dept.
; Institut Teknologi Bandung
; Jl. Ganesha 10
; Bandung 40132
; Phone: (022) 2504424 ext 759
; FACS: (022)2504424
; Platform : Microcontroller 68HC16Z1 on Evaluation Board (EVB)
; Summary:
; > Other initialization, except for QSM and ADC module, not necessarily
; done
; > Take care with heap an pre-initialized RAM initialization
.include "lgrset.mac"
.external _main, __memory,__pdata
.external ._main, .__pdata
.external .__text__, .__data__, .__bss__
.public _exit, __stext
.psect _bss ; stack section
.psect _text ; program section
;*********** MCU INIT ******************
; These procedures handled by MCX-16
; Rewritten for clarity only
; Still used in HARRAT version.
; ROM Start address: 0x00000 (program starts from 0x400 instead)
; +--------------+--------------------------------+
; ! ! 2222 1111 1111 11 !
; ! ADDR PINS ! 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210 !
; +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+
; ! ADDR[23..0] ! 0000 0000 0000 01?? ???? ????B != 0x00400 !
; ! ADDR[23..11] ! 0000 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx xxxxB != 0x00000 !
; +--------------+--------------------------------+----------+
; BLKSZ = 64 KB => address lines compared: ADDR[23..16]
; Frequency:
; FQ_SYSTEM = FQ_REF*(4^(y+1)*(2^((2*W) + x)))
.DEFINE ADDR = 0000h
.DEFINE FQ_REF = 16780000 ; MHz
.DEFINE SY = 0111111B
SEDIV = (0<<7),
SLIMP = (1<<4),
SLOCK = (1<<3),
RSTEN = (1<<2),
STSIM = (1<<1),
.SET SYNCR_CFG = ((SW<<7)|(SX<<6)|SY)
ldab #0Fh
tbek ; point EK to bank F for register access
ldab #00H
tbxk ; point XK to bank 0
tbyk ; point YK to bank 0
tbzk ; point ZK to bank 0
ldd #CSBARBT_CFG ; at reset, the csboot block size is 512k, so
std CSBARBT ; this line sets the block size to 64k since
; that is what physically comes with the EVB16
; Boot ROM starts from 0x400 to 0xFFFF
stab SYNCR ; set system clock to 16.78 mhz
brclr SYNCR+1,#SLOCK,NOT_L ;wait until synthesizer lock bit is set
; �����������������������������������������������������������Ŀ
; � SWE = 0� SWP = 0� SWT = 11 � HME = 1 � BME = 0 � BMT = 00 �
; �������������������������������������������������������������
; SWE=0 : Watchdog disabled
; SWP=0 : Software watchdog clock not prescaled
; SWT[1:0]=11 : software watchdog timing
; HME=1 : enable halt monitor function
; BME=0 : disable bus monitor function for an internal to external bus cycle
; BMT=00 : 64 system clocks for bus monitor timing
SWE = 0,
SWP = 0,
SWT = 011B,
.DEFINE SET_SYPCR = (BMT|(BME<<2)|(HME<<3)|(SWT<<4)|(SWP<<6)|(SWE<<7))
ldab #SET_SYPCR ;#38H
stab SYPCR ; turn cop (software watchdog) off,
; since cop is on after reset
andd #0E7FFh ; R/W* = 00B, means that
ord #(01B<<11) ; ROM is read only
;************* Stack Allocation *************
ldk #2
tbsk ; set SK to bank 2 for system stack
lds #3FEh ; put SP at top of 1k internal SRAM (0x203FE)
ldk #1
tbsk ; set SK to bank 1 for system stack
lds #3FEh ; directly initialize ptr to use 0x103FE (SRAM)
.ENDIF ; and below as system stack
;� Summary: �
;� The ADC module is mapped into 32 words of address space. Five words are �
;� control/status registers, one word is digital port data, and 24 words �
;� provide access to the results of ADC conversion (eight addresses for each �
;� type of converted data). Two words are reserved for expansion. �
;� The ADC module base address is determined by the value of the MODMAP bit �
;� int the system integration module configuration register (SIMMCR). �
;� The base address is normaly $FFF700 in the MC68HC16Z1. �
;� Internally, the ADC has both a differential data bus and a buffered �
;� IMB data bus. Registers not directly associated with AD conversion �
;� functions, such as the MCR, the MTR, and the PDR, reside on the bufferd �
;� bus, while conversion registers and result registers reside on the �
;� differential bus. �
;� �
;� Registers that must be set prior operation: �
;� ADMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (normal operation) �
;� FRZ = 0 �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisory mode) �
;� ADCTL0: �
;� PRS = 00011B (ADC clock = system clock/8 = 2.1 MHz (Max ADC freq) �
;� STS = 00 (4 A/D clock periods in the sample time) �
;� RES10 = 01 (10-bit conversion) �
;� ADCTL1: �
;� SCAN = 1 (continuous conversion) �
;� MULT = 1 (sequential conversion of four or eight channels �
;� selected by [CD:CA]) �
;� S8CM = 1 (eight-conversion sequence) �
;� CDCA = 0xxx (measured data at each channel stored into his register) �
;� �
MY_STS = 00B,
MY_RES10 = 1
MY_S8CM = 1,
MY_MULT = 1,
ldab #0Fh
tbek ; EK = F (K=$Fxxx)
ADCMCR_SET 0, 0, 0
;� �
;� �
;� 1. Sets up the SCI and starts an infinite loop of receive transmit �
;� 2. QSM configuration summary: �
;� * After reset, the QSM remains in an idle state, requiring initialization �
;� of several registers before any serial operations may begin execution. �
;� * The type of serial frame (8 or 9 bit) and the use of partiy must be �
;� determined by M. PE and PT. �
;� * For receive operation, WAKE, RWU, ILT, ILIE must be considered. �
;� The receiver must be enabled (RE) and, usually, RIE should be set. �
;� * For transmit operation, the transmitter must be enabled (TE) and, �
;� usually, TIE should be set. The use of wired-OR mode (WOMS) must also �
;� be decided. Once the transmitter is configured, data is not sent �
;� until TDRE and TC are cleared. To clear TDRE and TC, the SCSR read �
;� must be followed by a write to SCDR (either the lower byte or the �
;� entire word). �
;� * QIVR should be programmed to one of the user-defined vectors ($40-$FF) �
;� during initialization of the QSM. �
;� After reset, QIVR determines which two vectors in the exception vector �
;� table are to be used for QSM interrupts. The QSPI and SCI submodules �
;� have separate interrupt vectors adjacent to each other. �
;� Both submodules use the same interrupt vector which LSB: �
;� 1: interrupt generated by QSPI �
;� 0: interrupt generated by QSCI �
;�> Detail Configurations in QSM: �
;� * QMCR: �
;� STOP = 0 (Normal QSM clock operation) �
;� FRZ1 = 1 (Halt the QSM on a transfer boundary) �
;� FRZ0 = 0 �
;� SUPV = 1 (supervisor access) �
;� IARB = $A (priority = A; $F = highest priority, used by timer) �
;� * QILR: �
;� ILQSPI = 0 (disabled) �
;� ILSCI = 7 (highest priority) �
;� QIVR = set to SCI interrupt handler's address �
;� �
disable ; Turn off interrupts while enabling SCI
ldd #(0080h+QSMIARB)
std QMCR ; Set IARB=10 for intermodule bus arbitration
ldd #MY_QILR ; our QILR configuration
std QILR ;
ldd #BR9600 ; Set up 9600 baud rate
std SCCR0
ldd #RIE+RE+TE ; Receiver enabled with interrupts active,
; Transmitter enabled without interrupts,
; 1 Start Bit, 1 Stop Bit, 8 Data Bits
std SCCR1 ; Set up SCI operating conditions
ldd SCSR ; Get current status of SCI
bitb #RDRF ; Read receive data ready (RDR) until RDR reset
beq scirdy ; ZF=1 (RDRF=0), so no RDR is empty
ldab SCDR ; Read input data (a mechanism to reset RDRF)
bra rdclr ; Loop until clear
enable ; Turn interrupts back on
;*************** BEGIN **************
ldk #.__bss__ ; load extended address of stack
ldx #sbss ; start of bss
clrd ; to be zeroed
bra mtest ; start loop
std 0,x ; clear memory
aix #2 ; next word
cpx #__memory ; end of memory ?
blo bcl ; no, continue
jsr _main ; call application
bgnd ; loop here if return
bra 1$
; INTERFACE WhiteSmith to MCX-16
; ------------------------------
; Platform : Motorola 68HC16 running MCX16 Multitasking Executive
; Compiler : Whitesmith C
; (c) M. Lutfi Shahab (13389011)
; Instrumentation and Control Labs.
; Department of Engineering Physics
; Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
; Created : 13 Apr 1995
; Updated : 5 May 1995
;Interface Spec.
; In WSC:
; - The default memory model is the COMPACT model, in which all of
; the code and data must share the same 64K area.
; - Type SHORT INT are stored as two bytes, MSB first
; - Type LONG INTEGER are stored as four bytes, in descending order of
; significance.
; - Type FLOAT are represented in specific format adapted to the M68HC16
; processor, is a 4 bytes of data; the first two bytes contain a signed
; mantissa coding real values in the interval [-1.0,1.0]. The other 2
; bytes contain signed exponent. If the first word is zero, the entire
; number will be understood 0.0. The value of the number is the fraction
; multiplied by 2 raised to the exponent. The mantissa is then compatible
; with the internal DSP processor format.
; - Type DOUBLE are represented as for the proposed IEEE-754 floating point
; standard; 8 bytes stored in descending order of byte significance:
; * MSB bit is one of four negative numbers, and zero otherwise.
; * next 8 bits are the characteristic, biased such that the binary
; exponent of the number is the characteristic minus 1002.
; * the remaining bits are the fraction, starting with the weighted bit.
; - Arguments are moved onto the stack from right to left. The first
; argument is stored in the D register if its size is less than or equal
; to the size of an int, or in the register pair E, D if it is a long
; or float, and in the function doesn't return a struct or a double.
; - By default, character data is sign extended to short, and floats are
; extended to doubles.
; - The function is called via jsr _func or jbsr _func.
; - The arguments to the function are popped off the stack.
; - A data space address is move onto stack if a struct or double return
; area is required.
; - The return value is in D register (if length less than 2 bytes), or
; is in the registers E,D (the D register holds the low order bits).
; The addresses of double and struct data are added on stack at call time.
; - Each C function maintains its own stack frame, using IX as frame pointer.
; - You must save an restore the K register if want to call an assembly
; language routine that modifies the EK, XK, YK, or ZK registers.
; - BSR does these microcode sequences:
; 1. put PC to stack
; 2. SP = SP-2
; 3. put CCR to stack
; 4. SP = SP-2
; so SP (now) = SP (before bsr) + 4
; - XK, YK, ZK and SK can be modified by using the transfer index register
; to stack pointer and transfer stack pointer to index register instructions.
; When SP is transfered to (TSX, TSY, and TSZ) or from (TXS, TSY, TSZ) an
; index register, the corresponding address extension fields is also
; transfered. Before the extension field is transfered, it is incremented
; or decremented if bank overflow occured as a result of the instruction.
; > Be aware of invoking these routines. Make sure you have
; set extension register (K) to a proper value, otherwise the system
; will crash.
.TITLE "Thesis Project : WSC -> MCX calling translation"
.INCLUDE "mcx16.mac"
.psect _text
;* below are calling codes to MCX-16 *
; __mcx_nop
; cycles=14
; code = 4 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_nop
;* Force a semaphore to PENDing state*
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_pend(int sema)
; sema passed to D (ACCB = lo(sema), ACCA = hi(sema))
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_pend = 3
; ACCB = semaphore number
; return:
; none
; cycles = 14
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_pend
; * Signal the occurence of an event.
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_signal(int sema)
; ACCD = sema
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for mcx_signal = 1
; ACCB = semaphore number
; return:
; none
; cycles = 14
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_signal
MCX_CALL MCX_SIGNAL_ ;* Signal semaphore *
; * Make a task wait for the occurence of a specified
; event
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; int _mcx_wait(int sema)
; on call, sema in D register
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_wait = 2
; ACCB = semaphore number
; return:
; ACCA, 0 = success, 1 = fail
; cycles = 16
; code = 8 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_wait
MCX_CALL MCX_WAIT_ ;* Wait on event *
;* Signal completion of message processing*
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_msg_done(void *msg)
; msg passed to D
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_msg_done = 18
; IX = message address
; return:
; none
; cycles = 28
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_msg_done
pshm x ; save stack frame
xgdx ; IX = msg
pulm x ; restore old IX (stack frame)
;* Fetch message from a mailbox
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void *_mcx_receive(int mbx)
; mbx passed to D
; return:
; D = address of the received message
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_receive = 16
; ACCB = mailbox number
; return:
; IX = address of received message
; cycles = 28
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_receive
pshm x ; save stack frame
xgdx ; D contain address of msg
pulm x ; restore stack frame
;* Fetch message from a mailbox with wait directive
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void *_mcx_receive_w(int mbx)
; mbx passed to D
; return:
; ACCD = address of the received message
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_receive_w = 17
; ACCB = mailbox number
; return:
; IX = address of the received message
; cycles = 28
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_receive_w
pshm x ; save stack frame
xgdx ; D = address of received msg
pulm x ; restore stack frame
;* send message MSG into target MAILBOX
; with SEMA semaphore
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_send_mbx(int mbx, void *msg, int sema)
; mbx in D
; msg in [SP+6]
; sema in [SP+8]
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_send_mbx = 14
; ACCB = message semaphore number (sema)
; ACCE = mailbox number to receive message (mbx)
; IX = message address
; return:
; none
; cycles = 14
; code = 18 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_send_mbx
pshm x ; save old stack frame because IX used by MCX
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
xgde ; E = mbx
ldd 8,z ; D = sema
ldx 6,z ; IX = msg
mcx_call MCX_SENDMBX_
; accb = sema, acca = 14
pulm x
;* send message MSG into target MAILBOX
; with SEMA semaphore and wait directive
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_send_mbx_w(int mbx, void *msg, int sema)
; mbx in D
; msg in [SP+6]
; sema in [SP+8]
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_send_mbx_w = 15
; ACCB = message semaphore number
; ACCE = mailbox number to receive message
; IX = message address
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 18 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_send_mbx_w
pshm x ; save old stack frame because IX used by MCX
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
xgde ; E = mbx
ldd 8,z ; D = sema
ldx 6,z ; IX = msg
; accb = sema, acca = 15
pulm x
;* Get the oldest entry from a FIFO queue
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_dequeue(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in D
; ptr in [SP+6]
; return: ACCD
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue = 12
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = destination address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue was empty
; 1, if entry dequeued successfully other
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_dequeue
pshm x
tsz ;
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
;* Get the oldest entry from a FIFO queue. If queue
; empty, wait until queue not empty
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_dequeue_w(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in ACCD
; ptr in [SP+6]
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue_w = 13
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = destination address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue was empty
; = 1, if dequeue was successful
; cyles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_dequeue_w
pshm x
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
clrb ; ACCD = return value of mcx_dequeue_w
;* Put an entry to a FIFO queue.
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_enqueue(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in D
; ptr in [SP+6]
; return: ACCD
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue_w = 10
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = destination address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue was empty
; = 1, if dequeue was successful
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_enqueue
pshm x
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
;* Put an entry to a FIFO queue and wait if empty.
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_enqueue_w(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in ACCD
; ptr in [SP+6]
; return: ACCD
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue_w = 11
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = source address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue successful
; = 1, if empty
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_enqueue_w
pshm x
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
;* Change the priority of a task *
; Narrative:
; void _mcx_change_pri(int task, priority)
; ACCD = task number
; [SP+6] = priority
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_execute = 9
; ACCB = task number
; ACCE = task priority
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_change_pri
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
lde 6,z ; E = priority
; ACCD hold task address, so we just set ACCA
;* Excecute a task *
; Narrative:
; void _mcx_execute(int tsk_num, priority, (void *)(task)(),
; void *stack_ptr, void *reg_init_ptr)
; tsk_num = ACCD
; reg_init_ptr = [SP +12]
; stack_ptr = [SP +10]
; task address = [SP + 8]
; priority = [SP + 6]
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_execute = 4
; ACCB = task number
; ACCE = task priority
; IX = starting address of task
; IY = base address of task's stack
; IZ = address of register initialization packet
; (IZ=0 means no packet)
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 22 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_execute
pshm x
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
; ACCD = task number
lde 6,z ; ACCE = task priority
ldx 8,z ; IX = task
ldy 10,z ; IY = stack
ldz 12,z ; IZ = reg_init_pkt
;* Execute a task *
pulm x
;* Clears the suspend state of task
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_resume(int task_num)
; ACCD = task_num
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_resume = 7
; ACCB = task number
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_resume
; ACCB = task number
;* Blocks the specified task with a SUSPEND condition
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_suspend(int task_num)
; ACCD = task_num
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_suspend = 6
; ACCB = task number (0= SELF)
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_suspend
; ACCB = task number
;* Terminate a task's operation
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_terminate(int task_num)
; ACCD = task_num
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_resume = 5
; ACCB = task number
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_terminate
; ACCB = task number
;* Blocks specified task with a DELAYED state for the
; period
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_delay(int task_num, int tick)
; ACCD = task_num
; [SP+6] = tick
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_delay = 8
; ACCB = task number (0= SELF)
; ACCE = number of clock ticks to delay
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_delay
; ACCB = task number
lde 6,z ; ACCE = tick
;* Stop a timer whose handle is specified by ptr
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_kill_timer(void *tick_handler)
; ACCD = tick_handler
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_kill_timer = 20
; ACCE = Handle of timer to be killed
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 10 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_kill_timer
xgde ; ACCE = tick handler
;* Stop a active timer and reset its duration to a new
; value
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_reset_t(void *hndr, int tick)
; ACCD = hndlr
; [SP+6] = tick
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_delay = 21
; ACCE = Handle of timer to be reset
; IX = duration of timer's initial period
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_reset_t
; ACCB = task number
pshm x
xgde ; ACCE = tick handler
ldx 6,z ; tick
pulm x
;* Stop a active timer and reset its duration to a new
; value
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void *_mcx_timer(int init_t, int recyle_t, int sema)
; ACCD = init_t
; [SP+6] = recyle_t
; [SP+8] = sema
; return: ACCD
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_timer = 19
; ACCB = semaphore number
; ACCE = Duration of initial period
; IX = duration of recycle time
; return:
; ADDE = handle of timer if it was established
; = 0, if there were no timer blocks available
; in the pool of free timers.
; cycles =
; code = 20 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_timer
pshm x
tsz ; z = SP
xgde ; ACCE = init_t
ldd 8,z ; ACCD = sema = [SP+8]
ldx 6,z ; IX = recycle_t = [SP+6]
pulm x
ted ; ACCD = handle of timer
; INTERFACE WhiteSmith to MCX-16
; ------------------------------
; Platform : Motorola 68HC16 running MCX16 Multitasking Executive
; Compiler : Whitesmith C
; (c) M. Lutfi Shahab (13389011)
; Instrumentation and Control Labs.
; Department of Engineering Physics
; Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
; Created : 13 Apr 1995
; Updated : 5 May 1995
;Interface Spec.
; In WSC:
; - The default memory model is the COMPACT model, in which all of
; the code and data must share the same 64K area.
; - Type SHORT INT are stored as two bytes, MSB first
; - Type LONG INTEGER are stored as four bytes, in descending order of
; significance.
; - Type FLOAT are represented in specific format adapted to the M68HC16
; processor, is a 4 bytes of data; the first two bytes contain a signed
; mantissa coding real values in the interval [-1.0,1.0]. The other 2
; bytes contain signed exponent. If the first word is zero, the entire
; number will be understood 0.0. The value of the number is the fraction
; multiplied by 2 raised to the exponent. The mantissa is then compatible
; with the internal DSP processor format.
; - Type DOUBLE are represented as for the proposed IEEE-754 floating point
; standard; 8 bytes stored in descending order of byte significance:
; * MSB bit is one of four negative numbers, and zero otherwise.
; * next 8 bits are the characteristic, biased such that the binary
; exponent of the number is the characteristic minus 1002.
; * the remaining bits are the fraction, starting with the weighted bit.
; - Arguments are moved onto the stack from right to left. The first
; argument is stored in the D register if its size is less than or equal
; to the size of an int, or in the register pair E, D if it is a long
; or float, and in the function doesn't return a struct or a double.
; - By default, character data is sign extended to short, and floats are
; extended to doubles.
; - The function is called via jsr _func or jbsr _func.
; - The arguments to the function are popped off the stack.
; - A data space address is move onto stack if a struct or double return
; area is required.
; - The return value is in D register (if length less than 2 bytes), or
; is in the registers E,D (the D register holds the low order bits).
; The addresses of double and struct data are added on stack at call time.
; - Each C function maintains its own stack frame, using IX as frame pointer.
; - You must save an restore the K register if want to call an assembly
; language routine that modifies the EK, XK, YK, or ZK registers.
; - BSR does these microcode sequences:
; 1. put PC to stack
; 2. SP = SP-2
; 3. put CCR to stack
; 4. SP = SP-2
; so SP (now) = SP (before bsr) + 4
; - XK, YK, ZK and SK can be modified by using the transfer index register
; to stack pointer and transfer stack pointer to index register instructions.
; When SP is transfered to (TSX, TSY, and TSZ) or from (TXS, TSY, TSZ) an
; index register, the corresponding address extension fields is also
; transfered. Before the extension field is transfered, it is incremented
; or decremented if bank overflow occured as a result of the instruction.
; > Be aware of invoking these routines. Make sure you have
; set extension register (K) to a proper value, otherwise the system
; will crash.
.TITLE "Thesis Project : WSC -> MCX calling translation"
.INCLUDE "mcx16.mac"
.psect _text
;* below are calling codes to MCX-16 *
; __mcx_nop
; cycles=14
; code = 4 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_nop
;* Force a semaphore to PENDing state*
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_pend(int sema)
; sema passed to D (ACCB = lo(sema), ACCA = hi(sema))
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_pend = 3
; ACCB = semaphore number
; return:
; none
; cycles = 14
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_pend
; * Signal the occurence of an event.
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_signal(int sema)
; ACCD = sema
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for mcx_signal = 1
; ACCB = semaphore number
; return:
; none
; cycles = 14
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_signal
MCX_CALL MCX_SIGNAL_ ;* Signal semaphore *
; * Make a task wait for the occurence of a specified
; event
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; int _mcx_wait(int sema)
; on call, sema in D register
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_wait = 2
; ACCB = semaphore number
; return:
; ACCA, 0 = success, 1 = fail
; cycles = 16
; code = 8 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_wait
MCX_CALL MCX_WAIT_ ;* Wait on event *
;* Signal completion of message processing*
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_msg_done(void *msg)
; msg passed to D
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_msg_done = 18
; IX = message address
; return:
; none
; cycles = 28
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_msg_done
pshm x ; save stack frame
xgdx ; IX = msg
pulm x ; restore old IX (stack frame)
;* Fetch message from a mailbox
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void *_mcx_receive(int mbx)
; mbx passed to D
; return:
; D = address of the received message
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_receive = 16
; ACCB = mailbox number
; return:
; IX = address of received message
; cycles = 28
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_receive
pshm x ; save stack frame
xgdx ; D contain address of msg
pulm x ; restore stack frame
;* Fetch message from a mailbox with wait directive
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void *_mcx_receive_w(int mbx)
; mbx passed to D
; return:
; ACCD = address of the received message
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_receive_w = 17
; ACCB = mailbox number
; return:
; IX = address of the received message
; cycles = 28
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_receive_w
pshm x ; save stack frame
xgdx ; D = address of received msg
pulm x ; restore stack frame
;* send message MSG into target MAILBOX
; with SEMA semaphore
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_send_mbx(int mbx, void *msg, int sema)
; mbx in D
; msg in [SP+6]
; sema in [SP+8]
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_send_mbx = 14
; ACCB = message semaphore number (sema)
; ACCE = mailbox number to receive message (mbx)
; IX = message address
; return:
; none
; cycles = 14
; code = 18 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_send_mbx
pshm x ; save old stack frame because IX used by MCX
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
xgde ; E = mbx
ldd 8,z ; D = sema
ldx 6,z ; IX = msg
mcx_call MCX_SENDMBX_
; accb = sema, acca = 14
pulm x
;* send message MSG into target MAILBOX
; with SEMA semaphore and wait directive
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_send_mbx_w(int mbx, void *msg, int sema)
; mbx in D
; msg in [SP+6]
; sema in [SP+8]
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_send_mbx_w = 15
; ACCB = message semaphore number
; ACCE = mailbox number to receive message
; IX = message address
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 18 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_send_mbx_w
pshm x ; save old stack frame because IX used by MCX
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
xgde ; E = mbx
ldd 8,z ; D = sema
ldx 6,z ; IX = msg
; accb = sema, acca = 15
pulm x
;* Get the oldest entry from a FIFO queue
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_dequeue(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in D
; ptr in [SP+6]
; return: ACCD
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue = 12
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = destination address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue was empty
; 1, if entry dequeued successfully other
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_dequeue
pshm x
tsz ;
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
;* Get the oldest entry from a FIFO queue. If queue
; empty, wait until queue not empty
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_dequeue_w(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in ACCD
; ptr in [SP+6]
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue_w = 13
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = destination address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue was empty
; = 1, if dequeue was successful
; cyles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_dequeue_w
pshm x
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
clrb ; ACCD = return value of mcx_dequeue_w
;* Put an entry to a FIFO queue.
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_enqueue(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in D
; ptr in [SP+6]
; return: ACCD
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue_w = 10
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = destination address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue was empty
; = 1, if dequeue was successful
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_enqueue
pshm x
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
;* Put an entry to a FIFO queue and wait if empty.
; Narrative:
; int _mcx_enqueue_w(int queue, void *ptr)
; queue in ACCD
; ptr in [SP+6]
; return: ACCD
; parameters to mcx:
; ACCA = code for mcx_dequeue_w = 11
; ACCB = queue number
; IX = source address of entry
; return:
; ACCA = 0, if queue successful
; = 1, if empty
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_enqueue_w
pshm x
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
ldx 6,z ; IX = ptr
; ACCD hold queue number, so we just set ACCA
pulm x
;* Change the priority of a task *
; Narrative:
; void _mcx_change_pri(int task, priority)
; ACCD = task number
; [SP+6] = priority
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_execute = 9
; ACCB = task number
; ACCE = task priority
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 12 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_change_pri
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
lde 6,z ; E = priority
; ACCD hold task address, so we just set ACCA
;* Excecute a task *
; Narrative:
; void _mcx_execute(int tsk_num, priority, (void *)(task)(),
; void *stack_ptr, void *reg_init_ptr)
; tsk_num = ACCD
; reg_init_ptr = [SP +12]
; stack_ptr = [SP +10]
; task address = [SP + 8]
; priority = [SP + 6]
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_execute = 4
; ACCB = task number
; ACCE = task priority
; IX = starting address of task
; IY = base address of task's stack
; IZ = address of register initialization packet
; (IZ=0 means no packet)
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 22 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_execute
pshm x
tsz ; Z = SP + 2
; ACCD = task number
lde 6,z ; ACCE = task priority
ldx 8,z ; IX = task
ldy 10,z ; IY = stack
ldz 12,z ; IZ = reg_init_pkt
;* Execute a task *
pulm x
;* Clears the suspend state of task
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_resume(int task_num)
; ACCD = task_num
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_resume = 7
; ACCB = task number
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_resume
; ACCB = task number
;* Blocks the specified task with a SUSPEND condition
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_suspend(int task_num)
; ACCD = task_num
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_suspend = 6
; ACCB = task number (0= SELF)
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_suspend
; ACCB = task number
;* Terminate a task's operation
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_terminate(int task_num)
; ACCD = task_num
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_resume = 5
; ACCB = task number
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 6 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_terminate
; ACCB = task number
;* Blocks specified task with a DELAYED state for the
; period
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_delay(int task_num, int tick)
; ACCD = task_num
; [SP+6] = tick
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_delay = 8
; ACCB = task number (0= SELF)
; ACCE = number of clock ticks to delay
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_delay
; ACCB = task number
lde 6,z ; ACCE = tick
;* Stop a timer whose handle is specified by ptr
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_kill_timer(void *tick_handler)
; ACCD = tick_handler
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_kill_timer = 20
; ACCE = Handle of timer to be killed
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 10 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_kill_timer
xgde ; ACCE = tick handler
;* Stop a active timer and reset its duration to a new
; value
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void _mcx_reset_t(void *hndr, int tick)
; ACCD = hndlr
; [SP+6] = tick
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_delay = 21
; ACCE = Handle of timer to be reset
; IX = duration of timer's initial period
; return:
; none
; cycles =
; code = 16 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_reset_t
; ACCB = task number
pshm x
xgde ; ACCE = tick handler
ldx 6,z ; tick
pulm x
;* Stop a active timer and reset its duration to a new
; value
; Narrative:
; WSC:
; void *_mcx_timer(int init_t, int recyle_t, int sema)
; ACCD = init_t
; [SP+6] = recyle_t
; [SP+8] = sema
; return: ACCD
; MCX:
; parameters:
; ACCA = code for _mcx_timer = 19
; ACCB = semaphore number
; ACCE = Duration of initial period
; IX = duration of recycle time
; return:
; ADDE = handle of timer if it was established
; = 0, if there were no timer blocks available
; in the pool of free timers.
; cycles =
; code = 20 bytes
.PUBLIC __mcx_timer
pshm x
tsz ; z = SP
xgde ; ACCE = init_t
ldd 8,z ; ACCD = sema = [SP+8]
ldx 6,z ; IX = recycle_t = [SP+6]
pulm x
ted ; ACCD = handle of timer
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