Monday, March 20, 2017

OpenWRT Modules: UCI

UCI stands for Unified Configuration Interface.

UCI is a subsystem/module intended to centralize the configuration of OpenWrt.  It manages configuration data for CPE, where the configuration information is stored in form of files in /etc/config folder on CPE.

UCI Usage

To call UCI, we can either use "uci" user-space application helper or we can directly link to UCI library to call as C routine calls.

UCI Via Shell

Get the Primary SSID:
UCI Get Value
# uci get wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].ssid

Open a port in firewall for TR69 client:
UCI Create Object and Set Values
# uci add firewall rule
# uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='Allow TR-069 from WAN'
# uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src=wan
# uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target=ACCEPT
# uci set firewall.@rule[-1].proto=tcp
# uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_port=7547
# uci commit firewall

Change the httpd bind port to 8080:
# uci set uhttpd.main.listen_http=8080
# uci commit uhttpd
# /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart

A nice example from carrierwrt:
# Fixup easycwmp WAN interface
if "$(uci get network.wan.type 2> /dev/null)" == "bridge" ]; then
    WANIF=$(uci get network.wan.ifname 2> /dev/null)
uci set easycwmp.@local[0].interface=${WANIF:-wan}
uci commit easycwmp
exit 0

UCI Call via Library API

Suppose we want to have UCI like below:
UCI show easywmp
linux: config # uci show easycwmp.stun_server

This requires us to create a config file name "easycwmp" and name the config section "stun_server":

config file
config stun_server 'stun_server'
    option min_keep_alive '60'
    option max_keep_alive '120'
    option server_addr ''
    option server_port '3478'
    option enable '1'
    option username '00236a:00236ac231f0@qa2'

The skeletal C code would be like below:

void stun_uci_read(const char *name, char *buffer)
    char path[50]="easycwmp.stun_server.";
    struct  uci_ptr ptr;
    struct  uci_context *c = uci_alloc_context();
    int UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE = (1 << 1);
    if (!c)
    if(!strcmp(name, "username"))
        strcat(path, "username");
    else if(!strcmp(name, "passwd"))
        strcat(path, "passwd");
    else if(!strcmp(name, "keepAlive"))
        strcat(path, "min_keep_alive");
    if ((uci_lookup_ptr(c, &ptr, path, true) != UCI_OK) ||
         (ptr.o==NULL || ptr.o->v.string==NULL))
    if(ptr.flags & UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE)
            strcpy(buffer, ptr.o->v.string);

UCI Walk Through

To walk through each option entry under the config section:

Walk Through Options
void uci_show_value(struct uci_option *o)
    struct uci_element *e;
    bool sep = false;
    switch(o->type) {
        case UCI_TYPE_STRING:
            printf("%s\n", o->v.string);
        case UCI_TYPE_LIST:
            uci_foreach_element(&o->v.list, e)
                printf("%s%s", (sep ? delimiter : ""), e->name);
                sep = true;
            printf("<unknown>\n"); break;

As the rule, if we want UCI to return data in the format of [<filename>.<config name>.<type>], The declaration in /etc/config/<filename> is:
config <config-name> 'named section'
   option <option-name> <value>

'named section' can be blank (which would make the config section unnamed)

Another example:
Config name with type
# uci show wireless.r2g

Requires config file /etc/config/wireless with entry like lines below:
config wifi-device 'r2g'
    option type 'broadcom'
    option ifname 'wifi2_4'
    option macaddr '00:23:6a:c2:31:f4'
    option txpower '24'
    option hwmode '11g'
    option htmode 'HT20'
    option country 'US'
    option frameburst '1'
    option maxassoc '32'
    option autochannel '1'
    option channel '11'


Function Name
struct uci_context *uci_alloc_context(void)Allocate a new UCI context
void uci_free_context(struct uci_context *ctx)Free the allocated UCI context, including all of its data
void uci_perror(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *str)
Print the last uci error that occured
@ctx: uci context
@str: string to print before the error message
void uci_get_errorstr(struct uci_context *ctx, char **dest, const char *str)
Get an error string for the last uci error
@ctx: uci context
@dest: target pointer for the string
@str: prefix for the error message
Note: string must be freed by the caller
int uci_import(struct uci_context *ctx, FILE *stream, const char *name, struct uci_package **package, bool single)
Import uci config data from a stream
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @stream: file stream to import from
  • @name: (optional) assume the config has the given name
  • @package: (optional) store the last parsed config package in this variable
  • @single: ignore the 'package' keyword and parse everything into a single package
The name parameter is for config files that don't explicitly use the 'package <...>' keyword
if 'package' points to a non-null struct pointer, enable delta tracking and merge
int uci_export(struct uci_context *ctx, FILE *stream, struct uci_package *package, bool header)
Export one or all uci config packages
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @stream: output stream
  • @package: (optional) uci config package to export
  • @header: include the package header

int uci_load(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *name, struct uci_package **package)
Parse an uci config file and store it in the uci context
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @name: name of the config file (relative to the config directory)
  • @package: store the loaded config package in this variable

int uci_unload(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_package *p)
Unload a config file from the uci context
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @package: pointer to the uci_package struct
int uci_lookup_ptr(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr, char *str, bool extended)
Split an uci tuple string and look up an element tree
  • @ctx: uci context (IN)
  • @ptr: lookup result struct (OUT)
  • @str: uci tuple string to look up (IN)
  • @extended: allow extended syntax lookup (IN)

if extended is set to true, uci_lookup_ptr supports the following extended syntax:

network.@interface[0].ifname ('ifname' option of the first interface section)
network.@interface[-1] (last interface section)
Note: uci_lookup_ptr will automatically load a config package if necessary
@str must not be constant, as it will be modified and used for the strings inside @ptr, thus it must also be available as long as @ptr is in use.

int uci_add_section(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_package *p, const char *type, struct uci_section **res)
Add an unnamed section
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @p: package to add the section to
  • @type: section type
  • @res: pointer to store a reference to the new section in

int uci_set(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr)
Set an element's value; create the element if necessary
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ptr: uci pointer

The updated/created element is stored in ptr->last
int uci_add_list(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr)
Append a string to an element list
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ptr: uci pointer (with value)

Note: if the given option already contains a string value, it will be converted to an 1-element-list before appending the next element
int uci_reorder_section(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_section *s, int pos)
Reposition a section
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @s: uci section to reposition
  • @pos: new position in the section list
int uci_rename(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr)
Rename an element
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ptr: uci pointer (with value)
int uci_delete(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr)
Delete a section or option
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ptr: uci pointer
int uci_save(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_package *p)
save change delta for a package
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @p: uci_package struct
int uci_commit(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_package **p, bool overwrite)
commit changes to a package
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @p: uci_package struct pointer
  • @overwrite: overwrite existing config data and flush delta

Committing may reload the whole uci_package data, the supplied pointer is updated accordingly
int uci_list_configs(struct uci_context *ctx, char ***list)
List available uci config files
@ctx: uci context

Caller is responsible for freeing the allocated memory behind list
int uci_set_savedir(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *dir);
override the default delta save directory
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @dir: directory name
int uci_add_delta_path(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *dir)
add a directory to the search path for change delta files
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @dir: directory name
This function allows you to add directories, which contain 'overlays' for the active config, that will never be committed.
int uci_revert(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr)
revert all changes to a config item
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ptr: uci pointer
int uci_parse_argument(struct uci_context *ctx, FILE *stream, char **str, char **result)

parse a shell-style argument, with an arbitrary quoting style
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @stream: input stream
  • @str: pointer to the current line (use NULL for parsing the next line)
  • @result: pointer for the result
int uci_set_backend(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *name)
change the default backend
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @name: name of the backend

The default backend is "file", which uses /etc/config for config storage
bool uci_validate_text(const char *str)
validate a value string for uci options
@str: value

this function checks whether a given string is acceptable as value for uci options
int uci_add_hook(struct uci_context *ctx, const struct uci_hook_ops *ops)
add a uci hook
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ops: uci hook ops

NB: allocated and freed by the caller
int uci_remove_hook(struct uci_context *ctx, const struct uci_hook_ops *ops)
remove a uci hook
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ops: uci hook ops

int uci_load_plugin(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *filename)
load an uci plugin
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @filename: path to the uci plugin

NB: plugin will be unloaded automatically when the context is freed
int uci_load_plugins(struct uci_context *ctx, const char *pattern)
load all uci plugins from a directory
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @pattern: pattern of uci plugin files (optional)

if pattern is NULL, then uci_load_plugins will call uci_load_plugin for uci_*.so in <prefix>/lib/
int uci_parse_ptr(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_ptr *ptr, char *str)
parse a uci string into a uci_ptr
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @ptr: target data structure
  • @str: string to parse

str is modified by this function
int uci_lookup_next(struct uci_context *ctx, struct uci_element **e, struct uci_list *list, const char *name)
lookup a child element
  • @ctx: uci context
  • @e: target element pointer
  • @list: list of elements
  • @name: name of the child element

if parent is NULL, the function looks up the package with the given name
void uci_parse_section(struct uci_section *s, const struct uci_parse_option *opts,
int n_opts, struct uci_option **tb)
look up a set of options
  • @s: uci section
  • @opts: list of options to look up
  • @n_opts: number of options to look up
  • @tb: array of pointers to found options
uint32_t uci_hash_options(struct uci_option **tb, int n_opts)
build a hash over a list of options
  • @tb: list of option pointers
  • @n_opts: number of options


module initialization and deinitialization
struct uci_context myconfig_ctx;
struct uci_package myconfig_pkg;
struct uci_package *myconfig_init_package(const char *config_fname)
    myconfig_pkg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct myconfig_pkg));
    if (NULL == myconfig_ctx)
        myconfig_ctx = uci_alloc_context();
    if (myconfig_pkg)
        // unload first before loading
        uci_unload(myconfig_ctx, myconfig_pkg);
        myconfig_pkg = NULL;
    if (uci_load(myconfig_ctx, config_fname, &myconfig_pkg))
        myconfig_ctx = NULL;
        return NULL;
    return myconfig_pkg;
void myconfig_free_package(void)
    if (myconfig_ctx)
        if (myconfig_pkg)
            uci_unload(myconfig_ctx, myconfig_pkg);
            myconfig_pkg = NULL;
        myconfig_ctx = NULL;

TO get and set value:

typedef enum {
} cmd_t;
int myconfig_get_set(const char *name, cmd_t mode, void *val)
    struct uci_ptr ptr;
    if ( (myconfig_ctx == NULL) || (NULL == name) || (NULL == val) )
        return -1;
    if ((uci_lookup_ptr(myconfig_ctx, &ptr, true) != UCI_OK) || (ptr.o == NULL)  || (ptr.o->v.string == NULL) )
        return -1;
    if (mode == GET)
        if (ptr.flags & UCI_LOOKUP_COMPLETE)
            strcpy(val, ptr.o->v.string);
        return 0;
    else if (mode == SET)
        ptr.value = (char *)val;
        if ((uci_set(myconfig_ctx, &ptr) != UCI_OK) || (ptr.o==NULL || ptr.o->v.string==NULL))
            return -1;
        uci_commit(myconfig_ctx, &ptr.p, false);
    return 0;

Walk-through each entry under a subtree/sub-path (e.g: under "easycwmp.stun_server").  This is basically to load a package and initialize our buffer with values retrieved from the options in the package.

Walk-through each item and do GET
struct uci_section *s;
struct uci_element *elem;
int myconfig_load_package(void)
    uci_foreach_element(&myconfig_pkg->sections, elem)
        s = uci_to_section(elem);
        if (strcasecmp(s->type, "stun_server") == 0)
            uci_foreach_element(&s->options, elem)
                if (strcmp(uci_top_option(elem->, "min_keep_alive") == 0)
                    myconfig->min_keep_alive = (uint32_t)strtol(uci_top_option(elem)->v.string, NULL, 10);
                if (strcmp(uci_top_option(elem->, "max_keep_alive") == 0)
                    myconfig->max_keep_alive = (uint32_t)strtol(uci_top_option(elem)->v.string, NULL, 10);
                if (strcmp(uci_top_option(elem)->, "enable") == 0)
                    myconfig->enable = (atoi(uci_top_option(elem)->v.string)) ? true false;
                if (strcmp(uci_top_option(elem)->, "server_addr") == 0)
                    strncpy(myconfig->server_addr, uci_to_option(elem)->v.string, sizeof(myconfig->server_addr));
                if (strcmp(uci_top_option(elem)->, "server_port") == 0)
                    myconfig->server_port = (uint32_t)strtol(uci_to_option(elem)->v.string, NULL, 10);
                if (strcmp(uci_top_option(elem)->, "username") == 0)
                    strncpy(myconfig->username, uci_to_option(elem)->v.string, sizeof(myconfig->username));
            // uci_foreach_element(...)
            return 0;
        // strncasecmp(..)
            return -1;
    // uci_foreach...


( be continued....)

1 comment:

  1. Each package feed is in a separate directory ==> AngularJS Training Institute in Chennai
    Other feeds are available but have no package repository.
