Showing posts with label microcontroller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microcontroller. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Arduino 828p Pro Mini

I bought this small board Arduino Mini (the right board, not the left board which is just a power regulator) from eBay from China for less than $2 plus S/H.  The bareboard has SMD version of Atmel AVR 828p, a RESET switch (left), and bunch of I/O ports.  The board seems a clone of what Sparkfun has (see

  • 20 Digital input / output ports:TX, RX, D2..D13, A0 .. A5
  • 8 analog inputs ports:A0 ~ A7
  • 1 pairs of TTL level serial transceiver ports RX / TX
  • 6 PWM ports: D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11
  • Main Chip: Atmel Atmega328P-AU
  • Support Serial Download
  • Support external power supply 3.8-12V DC
  • Support 12V or less than 12V battery power supply
  • 16MHz clock frequency
  • Size: 33.8mm x 18mm
  • Supports auto-reset
  • Max 150mA output
  • Over current protected
  • Weighs less than 2 grams

When supplying unregulated power to the board, we should connect to the “RAW” pin and not VCC.
I/O pins are labeled "D0", "D1", ... "D13" for digital I/Os, and "A0" to "A7" for analog inputs.  There are two TRO and RXI pins.

Label on BoardFunction(s)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Create Delay using Number of Cycles in PIC MCU

Most of the delay code available on the Internet for PIC is based on real time delay.  The problem with this approach is that it's hardcoded for certain clock frequency only.  When we use the code for different frequency clock, we have to change the code, sometimes drastically.

Another approach is just to make a routine to waste number of instruction cycles, regardless of the clock frequency.  The caller then later calculate how many cycles it needs to waste in order to get the wanted delay.  It's more maintainable this way than the former.  All PIC MCUs have each instruction executed in 4 clock frequency, or F_cy = F_clock/4, hence T_cy = 1/F_cy = 4/F_clock.

Here is the example of the code for PIC16F877A to waste 10 T_cy cycles.  If F_clock is 16 MHz, F_Cy = 4MHz and T_Cy = 0.25 uSec.  So 10*T_cy = 2.5 uSec delay.
I don't see any reason it won't be compiled and working on other pic16-based MCUs.  I compiled the code with gpasm and header file from sdcc.

    title "Delay 10 Tcy"

    include <>

    list n=0

    radix    dec
    global    _delay10tcy
    extern   _d1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Variables declaration
;WREG         res 1
WREG        equ     _d1

code_delay10tcy code

    ; polynomial for 10tcy delay is f(x) = 10 + 10 * (x-1)

    ; caller takes 2 TCy, return takes 2 Tcy, so we need 6 more Tcy here
      banksel   WREG            ; 2 Tcy
      decf      WREG,f          ; (x-1), 1 TCy.  TCy so far = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7

      movfw     WREG            ; 1, TCy so far = 8
      bz        @delay10_end    ; 2 Tcy if x=0, otherwise 1, TCy so far = 9 (if x>0)
      nop                       ; 1 TCy, TCy so far = 10

@delay10_loop:                  ; (x-1) * 10
      goto       $+1            ; 2 TCy, TCy so far = 2
      goto       $+1            ; 2 TCy, TCy so far = 4
      goto       $+1            ; 2 TCy, TCy so far = 6

      nop                       ; TCy so far 7
      decfsz    WREG, f         ; TCy so far 8 (if x>0), else 9
      goto       @delay10_loop  ; TCy so far 10


      return                    ; 2


Save the code to a file name delay10tcy.S.

To compile it on Linux:

gpasm -c -M -m --mpasm-compatible -e ON -DSDCC -Dpic16f877a -p16f877a -I/usr/local/share/sdcc/include/pic14  delay10tcy.S

The variable "_d1" above has been defined elsewhere as 8-bit user data (so it's shareable among other delayxtcl routines), but if we want to make it local just declare is such as:

DELAY_VAR  udata_shr 0x190
d1  res 1

and remove underscore in all references to d1.

Monday, May 27, 2013

MSP430 or PIC?

After sometime using LaunchPad, I was ready to buid my own board utilizing some msp430g2211 on breakout boards laying around on my workbench.  I was going to use the JTAG pins available to program them, but bumped with the overpriced USB-based JTAG programmers/debuggers available in the market.  Yes, I could use the LaunchPad to program these separate microcontrollers, but it's not a good and decent way.

I got a  msp430 BSL usb-to-serial programmer from eBay.  After reading the datasheet for msp430g2211, I realized these type of low-cost microcontrollers don't support BSL, either.  So the only way (other than wiring LauchPad to my protoboard) to in-circuit program the chips is to use a JTAG programmer.  That's a lame, as with PIC microcontrollers, I still could used my PicKit2 to program 44-pin 18Fxx chips.  Even AVR from Atmel could do the similar way using cheap programmer available on eBay or even BusPirate.

Well, sorry msp430, for now I am back to PIC as it has so many features I need (wide availability of PDIP footprints, wide I/O voltage (2 - 5 volt) and cheap programmer).  I am aware there are some open-source efforts to build this kind of programmer for msp430 (GoodFet is one of them, the pre-assembled board is sold at

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Raspberry Pi Rev 2.0 Pin headers

Got my new Raspberry Pi mode-B rev 2.0 yesterday.  After looking around the info about some new unpopulated through holes on it, finally I got all the info.  Here's the summary:

Silkscreen label: P2
It is a 1x8-pin connection for JTAG to the main SoC (Broadcom MCU).
Silkscreen label: P3
It is 1x7 pins to be used for JTAG header connected to the USB hub + ethernet chip.
Silkscreen Label: P5
2x4 pins.  It's for extra connection
Pin 1 (square solder plate): +5 V output
Pin 2: +3.3v
Pin 3: GPIO28 (can be configured as I2C's SDA)
Pin 4: GPIO29 (can be configured as I2C's SCL)
Pin 5: GPIO30 
Pin 6: GPIO31 
Pin 7 and 8: Ground

Silkscreen label: P6
1x2 pins.  For MCU reset (short them will reset the MCU)

By the way, here is the info about the board (I have no idea my the Hardware below shows BCM2708, not BCM28xx):

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor    : ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v6l)
BogoMIPS    : 464.48
Features    : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp java tls
CPU implementer    : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant    : 0x0
CPU part    : 0xb76
CPU revision    : 7

Hardware    : BCM2708
Revision    : 000e
Serial      : 00000000xxxxxxxx

Thursday, February 28, 2013

My SMT Soldering result

Using X-Tronic hot air iron station, I was able to solder some ssop ICs (mostly the tiny ms430 microcontrollers) to their breakout pcb. The ICs are free samples from Texas Instrements.

Not bad for such small devices. Look professional to me.