Saturday, August 29, 2009

It is time for Playstation 3 to prevail

Sony PS3 has been around for almost 3 years now. Recently Sony has lowered the list price by $100 and also discontinue the middle level version. With all capabilities it has, I suggest people who wants to buy either game station, multimedia center (BD player, Internet access box, etc.) pick up this box instead of Microsoft XBox360.

Some reasons I can think of:
- It has more powerful Cell processor than the old Intel Pentium used in XBox
- It comes with Blue-Ray drive
- It can run Linux
- The price is now more reasonable (recently Microsoft has also lowered XBox360)
- The now-still-beta Interactive (with 3D graphic) social networking software which can be downloaded for free. It is sooo cool! Think of a 3D Facebook :-)
- More game studios are producing games for PS3 more than ever.

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