Friday, April 3, 2015

Daily backup of local git changes

While working on a ticket and not ready to commit, it's a good idea to backup all of our changes to an archive file.

The following script does all that and executed daily by cronjob automatically.
  1. create a file, say "backup" in /etc/cron.daily
  2. Type the following (change '<yourhome directory>' to your own login name and <git location> to the git directory where source codes are located):
backing up changed files to tarball
pushd <your source-code location>
LIST=`git status --porcelain | sed -n -e '/^ [D|M]/p' | sed -e 's/^ [D|M] //'`
backupname=`git branch | sed -n -e "/^* /p" | sed  -e 's/** //'`
backupname=$backupname-`date "+%s"`.backup.tar.bz2
dest='<your home directory>'
if [ ! -d "$dest" ]
    mkdir -p $dest
tar jcvf $dest/$backupname $LIST > /dev/null

Make the file executable:
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/backup

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Block Access during certain period using EBTABLES

Say, we want to block any packets coming from a device with mac address 00:01:02:03:04:05 (in other words, our router/switch should just silently drop any packets coming from this MAC address) during period of time 00:00 (00:00 AM) to 6:00 AM, do:

#ebtables -A INPUT -s 00:01:02:03:04:05  --timestart 0:0 --timestop 06:00 -j DROP

If we just want to drop IPv4 packets for the above:

#ebtables -A INPUT -p IPv4 -s 00:01:02:03:04:05  --timestart 0:0 --timestop 06:00 -j DROP

So, parameters for ebtables are actually similar (yet subset) of iptables (netfilter).