#ifndef REGEXDEMO_H #define REGEXDEMO_H #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <regex> class RegexDemo { public: /** Default constructor */ RegexDemo(char const *str) : m_str(str), m_matches() {}; RegexDemo(std::string const & str); /** Default destructor */ virtual ~RegexDemo(); bool match(std::string const & pattern) { return match(pattern.c_str()); } bool match(char const * pattern); std::cmatch& get_cmatch() { return m_matches; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ios, std::cmatch const & cm); protected: private: std::string m_str; std::cmatch m_matches; std::regex_constants::match_flag_type flag = std::regex_constants::match_any; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ios, std::cmatch const & cm); #endif // REGEXDEMO_H
#include "RegexDemo.h" RegexDemo::RegexDemo(std::string const & str) : m_str(str), m_matches() { //ctor } RegexDemo::~RegexDemo() { //dtor } #if 0 bool RegexDemo::match(std::string const & pattern) { std::regex exp(pattern); return std::regex_match(m_str, exp); } #endif bool RegexDemo::match(char const * pattern/*, std::cmatch &cm*/) { std::regex exp(pattern); return std::regex_match(m_str.c_str(), m_matches, exp, flag); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ios, std::cmatch const & cm) { for(unsigned i=0; i< cm.size(); ++i) { ios << "[" << cm[i] << "] "; } return ios; }
#include <iostream> #include "RegexDemo.h" using namespace std; int main() { RegexDemo reg("Hello, World Ahsan,123Bae!"); std::cout << "Match1: " << reg.match(".*123!") << std::endl; std::cmatch matches; if (reg.match("(.*),([0-9]+)(.*)")) { std::cout << "The matches were: " << reg.get_cmatch() << std::endl; std::cout << "The number is " << reg.get_cmatch()[2] << std::endl; } return 0; }
The Output
$ ./myregex Match1: 0 The matches were: [Hello, World Ahsan,123Bae!] [Hello, World Ahsan] [123] [Bae!] The number is 123