The beauty of this algorithm is that it is designed to work on small microprocessors or microcontrollers, which sometimes don't have luxury to do complex arithmetics in their Instruction set (or, require more instructions). Instead, the following algorithm uses XOR and table lookup which should be easy to do in small CPUs. On more modern and high-end CPUs, XOR operation translated directly to mnemonic XOR in machine-code (a single instruction) and done even in almost wire-speed.
One of the use I can think of is for creating MAC table for virtual bridging. An Ethernet MAC address takes only 6 octets, so this algorithm can be used to lookup 256-bucket MAC table. The hash-key is MACaddr, while the output is port.
For example:
A MAC table structure might look like below:
+-------------------+---------+------+ | MACAddr + port | Age | +-------------------+---------+------+ | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | 1 | 6 | | YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY | 2 | 7 | | ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ | 3 | 102 | | AA:BB:BB:BB:BB:BB | 4 | 33 | | AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA | 5 | 76 | +-------------------+---------+------+
port = PearsonHash(SourceMacAddr);
MACTable[port].addr = SourceMacAddr;
MACTable[port].port = port;
inspect destination MAC address from incoming ethernet frame
if (DestMacAddr == Broadcast)
Send to all ports, except the original incoming port, with this frame
// a small filtering is done here to prevent loop
if (DestMacAddr != SourceMacAddr)
port = PearsonHash(DestMacAddr);
if port is invalid:
DataForward(EthernetFrame, port);
The following statements can be executed periodically.
for each entry/bucket in the MAC table:
if MACTable[i].age < 1:
A challenge might be how to expand this algorithm to handle, say, 64000 buckets/entries? How to generate the pseudorandom hash table?
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> static unsigned char PseudoRandomHash[256] = { 1, 87, 49, 12, 176, 178, 102, 166, 121, 193, 6, 84, 249, 230, 44, 163, 14, 197, 213, 181, 161, 85, 218, 80, 64, 239, 24, 226, 236, 142, 38, 200, 110, 177, 104, 103, 141, 253, 255, 50, 77, 101, 81, 18, 45, 96, 31, 222, 25, 107, 190, 70, 86, 237, 240, 34, 72, 242, 20, 214, 244, 227, 149, 235, 97, 234, 57, 22, 60, 250, 82, 175, 208, 5, 127, 199, 111, 62, 135, 248, 174, 169, 211, 58, 66, 154, 106, 195, 245, 171, 17, 187, 182, 179, 0, 243, 132, 56, 148, 75, 128, 133, 158, 100, 130, 126, 91, 13, 153, 246, 216, 219, 119, 68, 223, 78, 83, 88, 201, 99, 122, 11, 92, 32, 136, 114, 52, 10, 138, 30, 48, 183, 156, 35, 61, 26, 143, 74, 251, 94, 129, 162, 63, 152, 170, 7, 115, 167, 241, 206, 3, 150, 55, 59, 151, 220, 90, 53, 23, 131, 125, 173, 15, 238, 79, 95, 89, 16, 105, 137, 225, 224, 217, 160, 37, 123, 118, 73, 2, 157, 46, 116, 9, 145, 134, 228, 207, 212, 202, 215, 69, 229, 27, 188, 67, 124, 168, 252, 42, 4, 29, 108, 21, 247, 19, 205, 39, 203, 233, 40, 186, 147, 198, 192, 155, 33, 164, 191, 98, 204, 165, 180, 117, 76, 140, 36, 210, 172, 41, 54, 159, 8, 185, 232, 113, 196, 231, 47, 146, 120, 51, 65, 28, 144, 254, 221, 93, 189, 194, 139, 112, 43, 71, 109, 184, 209}; #define N 256 int PearsonHash(const char *str) { int n = strlen(str); int i; unsigned char *h; int result; if (n > N) { puts("Pearson Hashing can only be used for string length <256 characters"); return -1; } h = (unsigned char *)malloc(N); bzero(h, sizeof(char)*N); h[0] = 0; for(i=1; i<n; i++) { h[i] = PseudoRandomHash[(h[i-1] ^ str[i])& 0xFF]; //printf("h[%u]=%0x\n", i, h[i]); result = h[i]; } free(h); return result; } int main() { int i; int n; const char MyStringBase[] = "Ahlan Wa Sahlan Bib, "; char *StrTable[N]; for(i=0; i<N; i++) { printf(" %03u ", PseudoRandomHash[i]); if ((i+1)%16 == 0) printf("\n"); } for(i=0; i<N; i++) { StrTable[i] = (char *)malloc(N); sprintf(StrTable[i], "%s%u", MyStringBase, i); } for(i=0; i<N; i++) { printf("\n%s: \tHash Index=%u\n", StrTable[i], PearsonHash(StrTable[i])); free(StrTable[i]); } }