Monday, March 30, 2009
Fix Yast2 unable to install package
Look in /var/run/ for stale or and delete them.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
To Find a Square-root with miniMIPS
# To find a square-root of an integer
# (c) M. Lutfi, 2009
# Platform: miniMIPS
# tested on: MARS simulator
# Convention:
# $v0..$v1,$t0..$t9,$a0: destroyed during procedure calls
# $s0..$s9: saved during procedure calls
la $a0, question
jal print_string # print(question)
addi $v0,$zero,5
syscall # read integer. v0 contains the integer read (x)
add $s0,$v0,$zero # s0 = x
bltu $s0,$zero,error # exit if x <>
beqz $s0,just_print # print "0" if x == 0
beq $s0,1,just_print # print "1" if x=1
addi $t1,$zero,0 # a = 0
add $t2,$s0,$zero # b = x
add $t3,$t1,$t2 # t3 = (a+b)
sra $t3,$t3,1 # mid = (a+b)/2
beq $t3,$t1,print_sqrt
beq $t3,$t2,print_sqrt # to prevent endless loop and give approx. result
multu $t3,$t3 #(hi,lo) = mid*mid
mflo $t4
mfhi $t5 # (t5,t4) = mid^2
beq $t4,$s0,print_sqrt # if (mid^2 == x) goto print_sqrt
bgtu $t4,$s0,set_b # if (mid^2 > x) goto set_b
bltu $t4,$s0,set_a # if (mid^2 <>
add $t1,$t3,$zero # a = mid
j loop
add $t2,$t3,$zero # b = mid
j loop
la $a0,answer
jal print_string # print "sqrt(x) = "
add $a0,$t3,$zero # mid is the sqrt(x)
jal print_integer # print the result
j main # do it again. To finish, just enter neg number
j exit
la $a0, inv_num
addi $v0,$zero,4
j exit
la $a0,answer
jal print_string # print "sqrt(x) = "
add $a0,$s0,$zero #print_integer(x)
jal print_integer
exit: # no param needed
addi $v0,$zero,10
syscall # exit
print_string: # string address in a0
addi $v0,$zero,4 # a0 and v0 are destroyed
jr $ra
print_integer: # integer value in a0
addi $v0,$zero,1
jr $ra
#-------------------data section-----------------
question: .asciiz "\nEnter number to be square-rooted: "
inv_num: .asciiz "\nInvalid number (e.g, negative"
answer: .asciiz "Sqrt(x) = "
# To find a square-root of an integer
# (c) M. Lutfi, 2009
# Platform: miniMIPS
# tested on: MARS simulator
# Convention:
# $v0..$v1,$t0..$t9,$a0: destroyed during procedure calls
# $s0..$s9: saved during procedure calls
la $a0, question
jal print_string # print(question)
addi $v0,$zero,5
syscall # read integer. v0 contains the integer read (x)
add $s0,$v0,$zero # s0 = x
bltu $s0,$zero,error # exit if x <>
beqz $s0,just_print # print "0" if x == 0
beq $s0,1,just_print # print "1" if x=1
addi $t1,$zero,0 # a = 0
add $t2,$s0,$zero # b = x
add $t3,$t1,$t2 # t3 = (a+b)
sra $t3,$t3,1 # mid = (a+b)/2
beq $t3,$t1,print_sqrt
beq $t3,$t2,print_sqrt # to prevent endless loop and give approx. result
multu $t3,$t3 #(hi,lo) = mid*mid
mflo $t4
mfhi $t5 # (t5,t4) = mid^2
beq $t4,$s0,print_sqrt # if (mid^2 == x) goto print_sqrt
bgtu $t4,$s0,set_b # if (mid^2 > x) goto set_b
bltu $t4,$s0,set_a # if (mid^2 <>
add $t1,$t3,$zero # a = mid
j loop
add $t2,$t3,$zero # b = mid
j loop
la $a0,answer
jal print_string # print "sqrt(x) = "
add $a0,$t3,$zero # mid is the sqrt(x)
jal print_integer # print the result
j main # do it again. To finish, just enter neg number
j exit
la $a0, inv_num
addi $v0,$zero,4
j exit
la $a0,answer
jal print_string # print "sqrt(x) = "
add $a0,$s0,$zero #print_integer(x)
jal print_integer
exit: # no param needed
addi $v0,$zero,10
syscall # exit
print_string: # string address in a0
addi $v0,$zero,4 # a0 and v0 are destroyed
jr $ra
print_integer: # integer value in a0
addi $v0,$zero,1
jr $ra
#-------------------data section-----------------
question: .asciiz "\nEnter number to be square-rooted: "
inv_num: .asciiz "\nInvalid number (e.g, negative"
answer: .asciiz "Sqrt(x) = "
Monday, March 23, 2009
LED Blink on PICKit2 Demoboard
The following code will make LED 1 on PICKit2 demoboard (attached to PICKit2 programmer) to blink for about every 500 mSec. Tools needed are: gputils and sdcc (all of them are open sources), and pk2cmd freely available at Microchip website.
Source code:
To build:
make demo1.hex
To install:
make install
Source code:
unsigned char delay1val;
unsigned char delay2val;
void delay()
CLRF _delay1val
CLRF _delay2val
DECFSZ _delay1val,f
GOTO loop
DECFSZ _delay2val,f
GOTO loop
void main()
// make C0 as output
TRISC0 = 0;
do {
RC0 = 1;
RC0 = 0;
} while (1);
OBJS=demo1.o PRJ=demo1 CHIP=690 ARCH=pic14 PLATFORM=16f$(CHIP) LIBPATH=-I/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr -I/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/pic LINKSCRIPTPATH=/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr LIBS=libsdcc.lib pic$(PLATFORM).lib libm.lib CC=sdcc -V -m$(ARCH) -p$(PLATFORM) LINKER=/usr/local/bin/gplink CFLAGS=--opt-code-speed --stack-auto --main-return --profile --debug-xtra --no-pcode-opt --funsigned-char --Werror CPPFLAGS= .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D_16F$(CHIP) -c $< $(PRJ).hex: $(OBJS) $(LINKER) -w -O1 -m -o $(PRJ).hex $(OBJS) $(LIBPATH) -f 0 $(LIBS) -s $(LINKSCRIPTPATH)/$(PLATFORM).lkr all: $(PRJ).hex clean: @echo "cleaning up all generated files..." @for obj in $(OBJS); do \ if [ -e $$obj ] ; then rm $$obj ; fi \ done @rm *.lst @if [ -e $(PRJ).cod ] ; then rm $(PRJ).cod ; fi @if [ -e $(PRJ).hex ] ; then rm $(PRJ).hex ; fi @echo "done." install: pk2cmd -PPIC$(PLATFORM) -M -F$(PRJ).hex pk2cmd -PPIC$(PLATFORM) -T
To build:
make demo1.hex
To install:
make install
Sunday, March 22, 2009
First, create a new udev rules under /etc/udev/rules.d/, name it as "26-microchip.rules".
Add the following into the file:
# PicKit2
SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04d8", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0033"
MODE="660", GROUP="microchip", RUN="/usr/local/bin/pk2cmd I /PPIC16F690", SYMLINK+="pickit2"
(do lsusb to verify the vendor and produc id)
Then, execute this on the shell:
sudo udevadm control --reload_rules
Then, download pk2cmd (search google. It should be linked to Microchip website. or try this:, compile and install.
When everything is complete with no error, plug in the PICkit2 USB to PC. Check that a new symbolic link was created under /dev as: pickit2. If it is there, you are good to go. Fire up the pk2cmd.
For example, assume the demo code has been there in the demo board and we just want to turn it on, we just need to type: pk2cmd -T /PPIC16F690. To get to know the attached chip on the demo board, try: pk2cmd -I -PPIC16F690
For example:
#> pk2cmd -I -PPIC16F690
Device ID = 1400
Revision = 0005
Device Name = PIC16F690
Operation Succeeded
Add the following into the file:
# PicKit2
SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04d8", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0033"
MODE="660", GROUP="microchip", RUN="/usr/local/bin/pk2cmd I /PPIC16F690", SYMLINK+="pickit2"
(do lsusb to verify the vendor and produc id)
Then, execute this on the shell:
sudo udevadm control --reload_rules
Then, download pk2cmd (search google. It should be linked to Microchip website. or try this:, compile and install.
When everything is complete with no error, plug in the PICkit2 USB to PC. Check that a new symbolic link was created under /dev as: pickit2. If it is there, you are good to go. Fire up the pk2cmd.
For example, assume the demo code has been there in the demo board and we just want to turn it on, we just need to type: pk2cmd -T /PPIC16F690. To get to know the attached chip on the demo board, try: pk2cmd -I -PPIC16F690
For example:
#> pk2cmd -I -PPIC16F690
Device ID = 1400
Revision = 0005
Device Name = PIC16F690
Operation Succeeded
Friday, March 20, 2009
SDCC Makefile for PIC14
LIB=-I/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr -I/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/pic
sdcc -V -mpic14 -p$(PLATFORM) --opt-code-speed --stack-auto --main-return -c $<
$(PRJ).hex: $(OBJS)
gplink -m -s $(PLATFORM).lkr -o $(PRJ).hex $(OBJS) $(LIB) -f 0 libsdcc.lib pic$(PLATFORM).lib libm.lib
rm $(OBJS)
rm $(PRJ).cod
rm $(PRJ).hex
LIB=-I/usr/local/share/gputils/lkr -I/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/pic
sdcc -V -mpic14 -p$(PLATFORM) --opt-code-speed --stack-auto --main-return -c $<
$(PRJ).hex: $(OBJS)
gplink -m -s $(PLATFORM).lkr -o $(PRJ).hex $(OBJS) $(LIB) -f 0 libsdcc.lib pic$(PLATFORM).lib libm.lib
rm $(OBJS)
rm $(PRJ).cod
rm $(PRJ).hex
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